When I first created this blog my freshman year of college in 2013, it was a source of inspiration for all things fashion. My main motive when starting this blog was to inspire others to live their truth, do what you love, and be authentic.

Since graduating college this space has transformed into so much more. Lifestyle, wellness, and approaching life from a holistic stance. I love sharing my personal faith in the most high, personal self development & lifestyle content. Sharing my life authentically and being completely transparent about my highs and lows because it’s all a part of the journey to becoming a better soul in this lifetime.

Authentically Sharing my life experience through my lens. Gratitude for every experience good and bad that helped me evolve into the woman I am today.

This is a safe space, I keep it REAL. I hope every soul that visits this space walks away with something transformational.

Life is too short to settle. & You deserve the best life

You are not limited in the things you can do in this lifetime.

& NEVER box yourself in or let anyone else have the honor of doing so.

I am dedicated to always becoming a better soul for myself and the ones that I love the most. I truly believe how I show up in the world is a ripple effect, change always starts within.

Living out my soul purpose my top priority n my life.

Yes, Yalaina E’lori is my real name! Pronounced Yuh-lain-uh, E-lor-i. My mom named me after my grandmother. I was born and raised in Kinston, North Carolina. I have loved fashion since I was 6 years old. Since I was a little girl, I was telling my mom “I wasn’t wearing what she picked out” so she started letting me dress myself! I have been obsessed with fashion ever since.